One of the most amazing highs over the past few months was one specific step that Marelyn took. Immediately after she regained custody of Julian at the beginning of November, we started talking with her again about the need for reliable transportation for her family. After spending a night awake and thinking through things, we decided to offer her a deal. We would help her get a car, but she would have to save and pay for half of it. And she took off! Honestly, she had done savings with us in the past, but then had needed to use those savings when she hit a rough patch. So we were very hopeful, but also we didn’t want to get too excited about this. The first week, she sent over the amount we had suggested to save and a little bit extra. The next week, the same. Over the next three months, she stockpiled cash, even a few times sending double the amount! At the end of January, three months before the date we had originally put as the end goal, she did it!!!
This has been a dream and desire for us over the past few years and she blew it out of the park! It was so beautiful to be able to go with her to the DMV and help her register her car. She shared with us that it is the first thing that she has ever owned that has her name on it and is so nervous about something happening to it. We are so incredibly proud of the work that she is doing to improve her life and the lives of her kids. She was also able to get all of the documents together to apply for passports and is looking forward to visiting some family members in Honduras, which has been a dream of hers since we met her. Marelyn has a few more goals and dreams in front of her over the next few months, including getting her driver’s license, getting a better job, and moving to a better apartment with a washer/dryer.
The same day, Marelyn and Ximena had something else up their sleeves! They had been talking about surprising Anna, from Threads of Hope, by bringing by some of the clothes that Julian and Sophia have grown out of and getting their next size up. Anna had helped give us Julian’s clothes since he was little and Julian absolutely loves Ms. Anna…especially since she gave him the dinosaur pajamas! Since Marelyn had already taken off from work to do the car registration, we were all able to head over to Threads of Hope and surprise Anna, since she had never been able to meet Marelyn (Anna usually doesn't get a chance to meet the moms of the kids who she is serving) It was such a sweet reunion, since Anna had prayed for “Julian’s mom” for so long!

In February, we had received a text from a fellow foster dad about providing respite for Andres*. The interesting part is that we had received the call from DCS to place Andres* with us, but the call came at 2:30am and we didn’t hear it. He was a 6-year-old Spanish-speaking child who had been found walking along the street, and they were having a lot of difficult with communication and him following instructions. So, we agreed to keep him for the weekend. He was so sweet in many ways, but he was a whirlwind at the same time. At the end of his time with us, there had been issues with inappropriate touch and our kids shared how exhausted they were after him being with us. We were too! We were nearing the 2-year mark with DCS and were in the renewal process, but after this weekend we realized that our family was not ready to receive new kids in our home. It was an eye-opening weekend, but God has given us so much peace at this time, especially with the number of ministry events that are happening.
In January, we were approached by Jenny, who is the Student Ministry leader at our church, about ministry opportunities for the students attending a DNOW event. It just so happened that Threads of Hope was about to celebrate its 10th anniversary! We jumped at the opportunity to be able to share about the ministry to 225 teenagers and open their eyes to what foster care looks like, while also providing them with an opportunity to serve. We only had a few weeks until the event, but we were able to ask our congregation to help donating clothing and we also found some great discounts on new items. The teens wrote sweet letters to the foster kids coming into custody, packed “fun bags” with toys and hygiene products, and helped sort through a ton of clothing that is ready to be given away. It went so well and we were thrilled with the way God used that event!
In the beginning of February, it was Leilani's 13th birthday! Can you believe it? We can't! She has grown up so much and is so beautiful inside and out. We were able to go to a jump park and get Lani's favorite, boba tea and hamburgers, afterwards. Then, a few days later it was Inti's 22nd birthday! They are all growing up so fast!
The next weekend, Richard was able to put together another Adoptive and Foster Dads hangout night at Top Golf. This has been the third time that they have been able to get together and it always blesses his heart to hear the discussions that are being had. Through the generous help of Foster Village-Memphis, we were able to get some of the golfing cost covered and even get appetizers and cokes as well! We are looking forward for the next night in May!!!

This past update, we shared about our connection with Rafael and Hamuris, who had recently moved to Memphis from Venezuela. We’ve been able to stay in touch and it has been so cool to hear back from them that they are continuing to attend Iglesia Esperanza here in Memphis. They invited us over to their home on a Sunday after church so that Hamuris could teach Ximena how to make arepas. It was also Hamuris’ birthday that week, so we were able to have a double celebration…and the Tres Leches cake that Ximena made was incredible! We have been so blessed by their friendship and are looking forward for many more get-togethers.
One of the main ministries that Richard has been serving is the Isaiah 117 House, which helps reduce the trauma and negative experience for foster kids on removal day. Memphis is going to be the first city to open two Isaiah homes, which is exciting, but also speaks volumes of the number of children who are in care in our city. Richard was chosen to do the prayer of blessing and dedication for the groundbreaking at the beginning of March. It was such a beautiful event and the Tennessee State Director shared that it was the biggest groundbreaking ceremony for Isaiah 117 that she had seen! Memphis is showing up to love on our kids in the system, and we are so excited to be a part of it!

The biggest thing that we are working on right now is an event called All for the One. It is an event to love on the foster and adoptive families here in Memphis, while also encouraging more people in the community to get involved in some way. This event all came from Ximena’s dream for the past 3 years to bring Bishop Aaron Blake, who is the founder of Stand Sunday, to Memphis. It seems easy enough when it was just an idea, but now as we are planning for an event that could be for around 600 people, we are starting to think that we might be out of our minds! We would really appreciate your prayers for this event and the people who it will reach with the love of Christ!

Prayer Requests:
1. Family Vacation: You might remember that the last one was in 2019, when we went to serve at Pan de Vida and spent time in Mexico City. A family dream has been to take everyone to Asia, so we are doing it! Please be praying for the planning, the finances to cover the trip, and for our older kids who are applying for visas. It already looks like Gustavo won’t be able to make it, due to an expired document that the Mexican government isn’t renewing right now, but we are still hopeful!
2. All for the One Event: This is coming up on April 20th and there is so much to do in the meantime. Please be praying for everyone who is helping to make this dream a reality. Please pray for the funding, the volunteers, and all of the people who will show up to the event.
3. College Boys: Inti is about to finish his sophomore year, studying computer science and working so hard to pay for his studies. Erick just transferred into the university in Manta after completing his associates, and is studying electrical engineering. Please be praying for their mental and physical strength.
4. Marelyn/Julian: Please keep them in your prayers! Marelyn is doing such a great job, so please pray that she continues to take healthy steps.
1. We are so grateful for the place that we are in as a couple and as a family. God has been so good to us and especially by allowing for continued physical health. We are so grateful for each of our supporters and your dedication to our family and ministry. And Ximena is especially grateful that winter is over and spring is here!
Appreciate it!
~Richard and Ximena
P.S. Thank you for reading out update! We are always needing new supporters, so if God places it on your heart, here are the links:
Family Support: CLICK HERE!
Ministry Expenses Support: CLICK HERE!

Makes my head spin just reading about your busy lives:). So wonderful to hear of the milestones and accomplishments in your various ministries and future plans. You are touching so many lives in positive ways. Prayers for continued health and blessing.