This is the first week that the weather has started to get a little bit colder and the leaves are starting to fall. Richard shared that this is the first year that he is looking forward to some cooler weather, since we usually dread it quite a bit! We are in full marching band and soccer seasons with the kids, which has been a lot of fun. Here are some more exciting things that have been going on!

Memphis Voyager Magazine
A few months ago, Richard was contacted by the Memphis Voyager Magazine to be featured in a new section called Inspiring Stories, focusing of people here in Memphis. It was a cool opportunity for Richard to share his story of how God first called him into missions with orphans and vulnerable children and the interesting journey along the way. Click on the picture below to read about it!
Gustavo and Mexico
A big answer to prayer has been more regular contact with Gustavo over the past few months. For those of you who have followed our family for a while, you know that Gustavo (our oldest son who just turned 33) has his highs and lows, and our relationship follows suite. It has been on our hearts for a while to go down and visit him, and meet his girlfriend, Carmen, for the first time.

At the same time, we were wanting to connect Esperanza Para Ti (the orphanage that used to be a part of Pan de Vida; we called it the Hacienda at the time!) with our church in Memphis for potential future missions trips. One quick fun fact is that they still have the same ladder and water tanks that a missions team from Oso Creek in Corpus Christi donated 16 years ago!
We were able to book the trip during the Thanksgiving break that is coming up! We are so excited to be back in Querétaro for a few days. We would love for you to get involved if you feel led to. There are two things we are doing while we are there:
Dinner for the kids at Esperanza Para Ti orphanage: We are planning with Tio Agus and Tia Geno to do a special meal for the kids and staff (around 40); around $500
Dinner for the kids we used to serve at Pan de Vida: We are planning on taking all of the kids (now adults) who used to be at Pan de Vida to go get street tacos at the park near the house we used to live. It was something we used to do when we were discipling them! We are estimating around 20 "kids" and their families; around $300.
If you’d like to help, click on this link to give towards the ministry expenses.
New Washer and Dryer
One thing that we have been encouraging Marelyn to do ever since we first met her back in January 2021 is to get her driver’s license! She put it off multiple times…I think a lot of that was due to being afraid of failing the written test and not feeling confident behind the wheel. A few weeks ago, she decided to take the plunge! She went to the DMV, took the test, didn’t pass it, went back the next day, and passed it!!! A few days later, we were able to go back with her to the DMV for a few hours to do the driving test. It didn’t happen that day, but the next day she went back again and did it!
We are so proud of her! One decision that we had made was to get her a washer and dryer as a congratulations gift as soon as she did it. One of our dear friends provided the funds to be able to purchase it, and it was so much fun to drop it off at her house. She has been washing her clothes at a laundromat for years and now she has one less struggle in providing clean clothes for her kids. She sent a sweet message to our friend that said, “I could never repay you for what you have gifted me and my kids, but will be forever grateful and thankful for it. May God bless you and your family!”
Adoption Videos and Mentoring
One of the ministries that Richard partners with is called Tennessee Kids Belong. They film videos for the kids who are awaiting adoption after having their parental rights terminated. They only have two options at that point: be adopted or wait until 18 to age out of the facility/orphanage where they are at. There were 35 kids at this video shoot, who came to share their story and hopefully find a family to adopt them.
If you remember, Richard had met Austin (his previous mentee who lived at one of the orphanages near our house) at one of these video shoots. One big praise is that Austin is in the process to be adopted by his sister. Richard was contacted again to see if he would be willing to mentor another young man (*Benjamin), who is a Spanish-speaker. So Richard has now stepped into his fourth mentoring relationship through Youth Villages. Prayers are appreciated as they get to know each other!
CAFO Summit
In the middle of September, we were both able to get away for a few days to attend the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) Summit in Nashville. It is held each year and it a time for a few thousand ministry leaders and foster/adoptive parents to gather to learn and be poured into. This time, since it was so close to Memphis, most of the Orphanos office staff was able to go as well, and some of the ministry leaders Richard works with.
More Than Enough
Also, as we shared in our prayer request a few months back, Richard had applied for a “More Than Enough Fellowship” through CAFO. The fellowship consisted of 7 ministry leaders in Memphis getting together to learn more about the strengths and gaps of the foster care system in Memphis. We completed three different online courses and spent hours meeting with individuals who are ministering to foster kids and their families. We were then able to choose a project and fundraise to help make it possible.
We chose to get behind a local organization called Midsouth Hope Garage. They receive used vehicles, repair them, and then gift them to single moms who just need that next push to be able to move from survival to thriving. They partner with organizations like Life Choices and One by One who provide ongoing support to these moms choosing to keep their babies and fight for their children. We were able to meet our fundraising goal of $5,000 and CAFO matched it! You will be seeing more about the project in the upcoming months!!!
Isaiah 117 and Threads of Hope
Richard has continued to be able to work alongside two of his favorite organizations here in Memphis: Isaiah 117 and Threads of Hope. There has been a golf tournament and multiple times to show appreciation to case workers. There have been clothing washing/sorting/delivery, including an emergency batch of kid’s uniforms at the start of school. There was also a really fun “Field Trip” that our church, The Orchard, was able to take to visit both of the ministries and hear about the incredible work they are doing. And we were able to launch a WRAP team for a family who is just starting to foster!
Prayer Requests
Erick: Our 25-year-old son who lives in Ecuador applied for a tourist visa to come to the US. This is the 2nd time that he has applied, but sadly it was denied again. Please pray for his heart and understanding, as those denials hurt!
Trip to Mexico: Please be praying for our trip to Querétaro, Mexico on November 26-30th. Please pray that it will be a sweet time to reconnect with Gustavo and get to know Carmen and her kids. Also, pray also that we would be a blessing to the orphanage there.
Family: We are in the middle of marching band and soccer seasons with the kids. It is so much fun, but also exhausting at the same time. Please pray that we will continue to seek our times of rest and times for our family to be together outside of activities.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read!!!
Richard and Ximena
*We are in need of new supporters, especially for our ministry expenses, as we continue to do more in our community. Here are the links:
Family Support: CLICK HERE!
Ministry Expenses Support: CLICK HERE!
