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Roseland Update from Ximena's Point of View

Usually, Ximena and I write our update together, although I do the writing and Ximena is in charge of the pictures. So we think through what has gone on, I start writing, and Ximena starts trying to find pictures (even though we leave out quite a bit, since we can't always find pictures!). After we piece everything together, we read through it and make any changes (especially since I have a bad memory!) before we post it. But this time, Ximena wanted to share something directly from her heart with a little bit of Latina flavor. Enjoy!

Ay ay ay…if I have to share about Thailand and Cambodia…hmmm…

I think it is hard to explain it. I was so amazed about all of it! Just imagine this Latina girl in Asia…Ha! It was fun, although people in Asia kept thinking that I was Thai, so they freely approached me in their beautiful Thai language. Sadly for me, I had to tell them, “I’m sorry…I don’t speak Thai.” So they would look at each other and they would try again by speaking Tagalog (Language of the Philippines). One more time I had to disappoint them with my “seriously…I don’t understand…I’m not Asian…I’m Latina…Spanish???” Haha…I think those were God’s laughing moments. Instead of being annoyed by it, I just took those moments as a privilege. If we don’t get out of our comfort zone, we will never have these types of experiences. And believe me…you can ask Richard or Wayne…I was out of my comfort zone!!!

This trip was a great way to learn about MERCY and SYMPATHY. I have always been on the other side of the bridge, the side where I’m the translator and I’m the guide. I’m showing people around on my streets, my markets, my smells, and my food. I have always been the one who takes care of the ones on the team who get sick. Well, this time, guess who was the star??? ME!!! I was sick most of the time. Even though it was hard to be sick, I enjoyed it!


One of the things that I wanted to share that impacted my heart was when I first got to Thailand. Richard and Wayne were coming from 2 other countries prior to my visit. Those two looked extremely tired! I was so pumped and looking through the taxi window as a good new tourist saying, “Look! Wow!!!...Guys, guys look!” They were short on answers and said a lot of “Uh huh…” At some point, Richard said, “This is way more organized and quiet compared to the previous country.* At this point, I saw a red flag. These boys are in shock!!! 

Eventually, they shared with me what had happened, what they saw, and how they experienced the previous country. I realized how tired spiritually and physically they were…of course all they wanted to do is sleep! We go a day of rest before we headed to Cambodia. As a wife staying back home, I always knew Richard travels and visits and travels back. But with a good night rest, he should be fine and ready to go. Well, I knew they were tired when we landed in Cambodia. But even though they had been through so much, they put on their “Orphanos hat” to love and check on our missionaries there. 

Spending time with sweet friends!

Our time there with our friends was memorable…I’m glad we go to go at such a perfect time. If I had to pick a word that represents this time, it will be Encouragement. By the time we were leaving Cambodia, white we were in the taxi heading to the airport. I noticed both of the boys with a feel of “It’s done,” but not in a bad way. I was thinking that these thoughts are going through their heads, “we served…we visited…Lord, thank you for loving them, please cover them with your love.” But they didn’t say a word; I could just see it in their body language. They both were also beginning to think of returning back to a “normal life” in Memphis, knowing that there would be family issues to struggle with as soon as the plane landed. They were EXHAUSTED! And we still had the trip back home!

I said this earlier, but this trip has given me such an up close idea of what they do. I have gained way more respect for both of their ministries within Orphanos. For Richard, I know what God has called him to do isn’t easy at all. It isn’t just traveling around the world and having fun. Well, he showed me that you have to find fun while doing what God has called you to do, even if it is really hard to do.

Just a little tired...

God has put on my heart to pray for a good counselor/psychologist for my Richie too. I can’t imagine coming back home with such a heavy heart and mind, not knowing what to do with that. Please help me in praying for the right time and right person in His perfect timing. 

Thank you so much for reading my point of view. These words have come from my heart. I would also like to thank a specific family who offered to cover my expenses for this trip in God’s specific timing. (#andaleway)

Merry Christmas!

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that your New Year celebration will be great as well. Praying for each one of you!

~Ximena and Richard

*Country name left out for security purposes

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